2021-04-08 - Tilden Woods


~4.6 mi @ ~16.2 min/mi

"Work Area! Go back!" says the leader of the County park construction crew. They're digging with a backhoe in the south side of Tilden Woods Local Park. 🤖 waves and retreats up the rough stone road until, beyond line-of-sight, he spies a small hole to squeeze through in the orange plastic fencing. Yay, a new cut-through! Thursday afternoon's survey of the Old Georgetown Estates neighborhood in North Bethesda startles a small set of deer taking a late lunch by the I-270 sound barrier. Downhill jogs pull the average pace to what may be a new land speed record, back to the car, just in time to make the appointment for COVID shot (Moderna) #2 ...

(trackfile) - ^z - 2021-05-09